The Risks of Packing Personal Items in Your Car While Shipping It

In a fast-paced world where relocation and long-distance travel have become more common, the need to transport vehicles efficiently has grown exponentially. Whether moving to a new city or selling your car to someone across the country, car shipping services offer a convenient solution for getting your beloved automobile from point to the new destination.

However, amid the excitement and anticipation of the journey ahead, it’s crucial to recognize the potential risks of placing personal items inside your car during shipping. While it might seem like a convenient and cost-effective way to move your belongings along with your car, professional auto transport companies strongly advise against having personal items in the vehicle’s cabin during transit.

In this article, we will discuss why entrusting personal items within your car during shipping poses considerable risks to your items. We’ll also discuss the potential legal ramifications that arise during car shipping, such as having restricted items in the vehicle.

Risks of Leaving Your Items in the Car during Shipping

Risks of Leaving Your Items in the Car during Shipping

Leaving your items in the car during shipping poses several risks. When you transport a vehicle, whether through a professional auto transport company or a self-driven journey, most professionals recommend removing all personal belongings from the car for safety and liability reasons. Below are some of the risks associated with leaving personal items in your vehicle during shipping:



Personal belongings in the car can attract thieves, especially if the vehicle is left unattended for extended periods during shipping. These valuables could be electronic devices, cash, or other items that can be tempting targets for opportunistic criminals. While reputable auto transport companies take measures to ensure the security of vehicles, the presence of valuables inside the car can be enticing to unscrupulous individuals. 

Once the carrier loads your vehicle, it can be difficult for the driver to keep a close eye on the contents of every vehicle. Thieves may take advantage of this opportunity to break into the car and steal valuable items such as electronics, cash, jewelry, or other personal belongings, leading to an unfortunate loss and a potential insurance hassle for the vehicle owner.



During shipping, the car may encounter rough roads, sudden movements, or minor accidents. Therefore, having personal items left inside the car can shift and collide with each other or the car’s interior, potentially causing damage to both the items and the car. Shipping personal items inside a vehicle can lead to several potential damages and risks. The items may be damaged due to shifting and improper securing during transit. 

The car may experience sudden stops, turns, or jolts while being transported, causing the contents to shift, collide, or become dislodged, resulting in breakage and scratches. Fragile possessions such as electronics, glassware, or sentimental items could be particularly vulnerable to such damages. Moreover, any loose objects may cause additional wear and tear on the car’s interior, potentially damaging seats, upholstery, and the dashboard.

Insurance Issues

Insurance Issues

Carrying personal items inside the car during shipping may lead to complications with insurance coverage. Many car shipping companies have strict guidelines regarding the transportation of personal belongings, and their insurance policies may not cover any damages incurred to these items.

In the unfortunate event of an accident or theft during transport, the car’s insurance might only extend to cover the vehicle itself, leaving the owner responsible for any losses related to personal items. This lack of coverage could result in financial losses and emotional distress if valuable or sentimental possessions are damaged or lost during transit.

To avoid these potential damages and insurance-related issues, removing all personal items from the car before shipping and finding alternative means of transporting belongings separately is advisable.


Weight and Balance Concerns

Auto transport carriers have specific weight limits that they can legally carry. Once you leave personal items in the car, it adds unnecessary weight, potentially causing balance issues for the carrier, which can affect the shipment’s safety.

Car shipping companies have specific weight limits for vehicles which includes both the weight of the car itself and any additional cargo, such as personal items packed inside. Therefore, exceeding the weight limit can lead to extra charges, delays, or even refusal to transport the vehicle by the shipping company.

Benefits of Choosing Ship A Car, Inc. to Transport Your Heavy Equipment in Utah


Putting personal items in your car during shipping is not a prudent decision. While it may seem convenient to transport your belongings together, this practice poses various risks and drawbacks that you should not overlook. Hence, the only way to avoid such threats is by removing all personal items from your car before shipping it. 

If you need to transport personal belongings along with your vehicle, consider using alternative methods, such as shipping them separately in a separate trailer specifically designed for household items. It is good to check with the auto car shipping company to know their personal belongings policies before making any decisions.