The Uniqueness Among Car Shipping Companies: What Sets Them Apart

The auto transport industry is highly competitive, consisting of thousands of shipping companies, all with the aim of providing vehicle shipping services. One might wonder why so many companies exist if they all still offer the same type of service: transporting automobiles from one place to another. The simple answer to this question lies in the fact that all these companies are not the same, and each and every one of them is unique in one way or another. This article delves into the reasons why shipping companies differ from one another while shedding light on the significance of selecting a shipping company that aligns with individual requirements.

The Variation in their Services Due to Customer Demand

The Variation in their Services Due to Customer Demand

Customers have different kinds of demands, influenced by the type of vehicle they intend to transport or their distinct shipping requirements. For instance, while one customer needs a safe and secure means of transporting their exotic or vintage cars, another might just want a quick and reliable transport solution for heavy machinery like tractors or bulldozers.

To accommodate these varying needs among customers, shipping companies tend to generalize their services. This gives them the ability to cater to the most common demands and provide equivalent services for customers with those demands. However, some companies choose to solely focus on a specific shipping option and tailor their services to be more directed at catering to people with those types of requirements.

Difference in Mode of Operation: Brokers or Carriers

Difference in Mode of Operation: Brokers or Carriers

Shipping companies also differ based on the way they operate. The two types of shipping companies you will likely come across when researching vehicle shipping are brokers and carriers. These two entities carry out completely different services, even though they are both labeled as vehicle shippers.

  • Brokers: Most shipping services involve interaction with vehicle shipping brokers, who act as intermediaries connecting customers with carriers responsible for physically transporting vehicles. Brokers wield extensive networks comprising various carriers across the country. They provide cost-effective rates, extra services such as insurance, and compliance with regulatory authorities.
  • Carriers: These are the main operators responsible for moving vehicles between destinations. Since their services are usually not available to members of the general public, they mainly work with brokers to receive schedules and shipments. Carriers usually operate along a particular route, such as between two particular states.

Many shipping companies function as hybrids, integrating both broker and carrier roles. This means they are simply brokers who, instead of working with independent carriers, have access to a dedicated fleet of carriers, allowing them to provide seamless vehicle transportation.

Specializations for Certain Customer Bases

Specializations for Certain Customer Bases

Another reason why shipping companies differ from the rest is because they tailor their services to specific customer bases. This allows them to perform specializations that improve relationships with members of that customer base by providing services that are much better than any they could get from regular shipping companies. For instance, companies focusing on shipping for large organizations like car dealerships or auction houses maintain fleets capable of transporting multiple vehicles swiftly. Similarly, auto transporters targeting demographics such as students or military personnel might offer discounts to incentivize them to engage their services and shipping assistance to facilitate a better shipping experience.

The Size and Scale of their Company and Operations

Established auto transporters are able to expand their range of operations to all corners of the country, some even reaching international locations. These large shipping entities are obviously not the same as smaller regional carriers, which only operate within specific geographical zones, which sometimes span one or more states. These differences are also shown in the size and capacity of the carriers in their fleet. The financial superiority of these larger companies also allows them to work with high-level technology and top-notch services, like ample insurance coverage.

Contact SAC Today


Companies in the auto shipping industry are not the same because of the differences in the kinds of services they offer to customers, their methods of operation, their target customer base, and the size and scale at which they operate. The variation among shipping companies is, of course, a result of the high amount of competition, which causes each company to try to stand out from their counterparts. With all this being said, if you do need to have a vehicle shipped, then you should look at Ship A Car. You don’t need to worry about the type of shipping company we are, as we are simply the type that ensures your vehicle gets to its destination safely, smoothly, and on time. Contact us at (866) 821-4555 to book a shipping service and get a non-obligatory free shipping quote.