What to Evaluate When You Need to Transport a Subaru Outback
Researching Transport Companies

Generally, you’ll want to use an independent transport company when shipping this vehicle. To compare different companies and decide which is the right fit for you, here are some significant factors to be aware of:

  • Positive customer reviews are typically a great sign when selecting a transport company, while negative reviews can be cause for alarm.
  • Type of shipping. Depending on whether you will be using one type of shipping over another (e.g., enclosed over open shipping), you might find that some companies offer services that others don’t.
  • Budget is commonly a constraining factor, so double check the price range of each transport business you’re comparing.
  • When shipping from one point to another, it sometimes makes more sense to go with a transport company based out of a specific local area.

Advantages of Using a Transport Company

There are many advantages to using an independent transport company to ship your Subaru Outback rather than attempting the task yourself.

Reliability is a major benefit to be aware of. Professional transportation businesses have a great deal of experience in shipping vehicles, and doing so safely and consistently. On the other hand, there’s a good chance you may not have much personal experience in this department.

Likewise, it’s often less expensive to use a transport company than to try to ship the vehicle yourself. The professionals are more likely to have efficient means of reducing costs that you may not think of yourself when shipping the suv.

Things to Know About the Subaru Outback before Shipping

Before shipping an Outback, there are a few key vehicle specifications to keep in mind in preparing both for drop-off and pickup steps. These include:

  • Subaru is known to be a reliable and secure vehicle brand, so many owners are confident in the Outback’s potential to be transported safely.
  • The Outback comes with several built-in software components, such as facial recognition technology and multiple touchscreens.
  • Safety features. This vehicle model also comes with advanced safety features, including a custom emergency braking system.
  • In contrast to other models, the Subaru Outback is built with a 2.5-liter, 4-cylinder engine.

What You Can Expect to Pay

Costs for shipping this car are going to vary based on factors like the distance between the two shipping points, the size and weight of your specific model, and the type of shipping you’ll be using.

The best way to get a quick estimate for how much shipping a Subaru Outback will cost is by using an online calculator to see a quote.

After that, you can look at your budget to see what the ideal shipping choices are.

How Long a Subaru Outback Takes to Ship

Before you can know exactly how long it will take to ship your car, you’ll need to consider a couple of variables:

  • The greater the number of miles between the pickup and dropoff location, the higher your shipping time will generally be.
  • Shipping type. Some types of shipping can be quicker than others. For example, open car transport is often faster than enclosed shipping due to the number of companies shipping via this method.

Lets move your vehicle together

Safety & Reliability of Shipping

If you’re wondering how safe and reliable modern vehicle shipping is, you’re asking an important question!

Fortunately, if you use a reputable and trusted transport company, your Outback is very unlikely to sustain any damage during transit. Not only are there state and federal regulations in place to ensure appropriate vehicle shipping, but these companies have several of their own measures they follow to ensure a smooth transport.

That said, you may run into problems if you value cost above performance and go with a cheaper, more negatively reviewed business. You might find that they don’t take the necessary effort to ensure your car’s safety.


Shipping your Subaru Outback can be simplified into a smooth, painless experience as long as you take heed of important points, such as using a professional transport service and spending time on appropriate research.

Those looking for a quality, highly reputable shipping company for their vehicle should take a look at resources provided by Ship a Car, including the Auto Transport Calculator, which can help you get an estimate for shipping your car.