Get a Shipping Company that Transports Limousines. The first thing you must do when shipping a limo is to get a good shipping company that transports limousines. When searching around for car shipping companies, you must inform them first that your vehicle is a limo, along with its dimensions. This is important because some car shipping companies don’t have the proper equipment to ship such cars and will turn down your request.
After finding a few car shipping companies willing to transport your limo, you should get quotes from them to compare prices. But remember that shipping limousines are generally more expensive than regular cars because there aren’t many shipping companies that transport limos, so there isn’t yet a standard rate. However, you might be able to negotiate a discount with one or two shipping companies if you’re transporting more than one limo.
We already know limousines are long, but they come in varying models and sizes, which will determine whether or not your chosen transport company will be willing to accept yours. For example, Hummer, vintage, or SUV limousines require more space and cannot be shipped using open or enclosed transport carriers. So, if you don’t provide the accurate height, length, and width of your limo, it can cause problems for you and the shipping company on the pickup day if they come with the wrong carrier.
The limo’s weight is equally important to ensure the shipping company can legally load that amount of weight. You should also provide the make, model, and year of the limo, as well as whether it is custom-built, so the shipping company can conduct its research to attend to your limo’s shipping needs properly and give you a reasonable quote.
Shipping companies usually offer two types of transport carriers, enclosed and open carriers. Enclosed carriers are pricey and typically used for exotic and expensive vehicles such as limousines, while open carriers are less expensive and can be used generally. However, because of the size and weight of limos, most shipping companies
prefer to use flatbed carriers for limousines.
Flatbed carriers are more expensive than other carriers and are not often used to ship vehicles, so they can be hard to find. But shipping companies use them to transport significantly larger and longer-sized limousines. Smaller limos, such as Sedan limos, can be carried on regular open or enclosed carriers.
Typically, shipping a limousine is expensive. Firstly, the shipping company might need to use a flatbed carrier to transport it, which is hard to find and costly. Also, the carrier won’t be able to accommodate more cars since the limousine will likely take up more than one space, requiring you to pay for the extra space. If your limo is super stretchy, the shipping company will require additional equipment to load and unload it. This equipment might not be readily available, so you would need to pay additional costs for their use.
Shipping a limousine might seem like back-breaking work, but it doesn’t have to be if you have a trusted shipping company and put the information provided here to good use. Ship A Car, Inc can offer you expert limousine transportation services at reasonable prices. To get started, call us at (866) 821-4555 for a free quote.
Yes, all models and types of limousines can be shipped. These include Limousine buses, Convertible limos, SUV limos, Novelty limos, Sedan limos, Hummer limos, Super stretch limos, Stretch limos, Vintage limos, etc. Ensure you provide your shipping company with the kind of limo you’re shipping and the dimensions so they’ll have enough information to work with to provide you with the best shipping experience.
Flatbed shipping uses flatbed transport trucks to transport oversized and awkward freight that doesn’t fit into normal open or enclosed transport carriers. Flatbed trucks are usually open trailers without walls, roofs, or sides. You can think of them as open transport carriers for oversized vehicles.