This article will cover why Volkswagen is planning to stop production of traditional combustion vehicles, which companies they plan on partnering with within China to improve their EV battery production, and why Volkswagen is planning to focus more on electric vehicles at one of their plants in China.
Electric Vehicles (EV) are the new boom in the automotive industry! In this article, you’ll find out how and the significant roles it plays in the construction of more auto factories in recent times.
This article will cover what vehicles are going to be discontinued in 2023, and why they may be discontinued by the car manufacturers.
This article will explain what spot market rates are, why spot market rates are dropping, why trucking companies are turning back towards fleets, and who this negatively impacts the most.

This article will cover how augmented reality and virtual reality are changing the automobile industry. It will cover how it has made an impact on six main industries: manufacturing, designing, creating safer vehicles, maintenance, employee training, and even virtual showrooms.
This article will cover why catalytic converters are being stolen at such a high rate, how to protect your converter, and what to do if you catalytic converter is stolen.
In this blog post, we will cover what the top ten cars are in terms of resale value for 2022.
This article will cover what locations in Pennsylvania recently made jumps in the top destinations to retire, why the shift occurred from Florida to Pennsylvania, what to consider when you are moving your vehicle to Pennsylvania, and the top ten places to retire in America.

In this blog post we will discuss which cars are considered to be the most reliable cars coming out in the upcoming year.
This article will cover what most loved and hated car brands are found throughout the world.
This article will cover what top American motorcycle brands there are that are not the infamous Harley.
This article will cover what new technology is being created in order to reduce emissions produced by the trucking industry and how the new technology works.

This article will cover what the worst car brands are in America. While many on this list are some of the most reputable companies for the past few years, recent models have faced a few issues in recent years.
This article will cover what programs want to push the companies to limit the speeds vehicles can go, how speed limiters (dead pedals) work, and why it’s more than likely won’t happen.
This piece will cover how efficient EV charging will become, previous problems with fast charging, how this is made possible, and the possible impact of the new charging stations.